Monday, October 21, 2013

Other Worldly

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:2-4 NIV
This Sunday we walked about how the Bible reveals to us that there is another world. Sometimes we get stuck living in the world we are in, and forget that there are bigger fish to fry. I am talking about living as if we are have access to something bigger than we are. In this Colossians verse Paul instructs us to have our minds set on things above. To think through the lens of Heaven and act as if being a Christian gives us access to some sort of other worldly power. Crazy right? I mean if some dark stranger walked up to you in an alley and said “Hey you have access to a higher power” and lurked away in the darkness, you would not think different of yourself, instead you would think different of them. They are crazy, nuts, and out of their mind to think that there is other worldly power. Maybe, just maybe that is what is wrong with the church today! Think about the arguments sprung forth from the church and you will hear mainly about the color of the chairs, and the types of songs they play. That is this worldly a bit. Not saying that the church is not allowed to worry about those surface things. But, what if the church had to ask itself “Where is the Holy Spirit here?” Now, what if each believer would also ask this question? The idea behind our faith is, that there is something behind our faith! This mysterious idea that if we allow God (The Creator of Heaven and Earth) into our sports, school, career, and technology filled lives that He will come. Christians call this phenomenon “The Holy Spirit.” God coming into our being and living within us. That is why no matter the faith tradition baptism is a big deal because it is the celebration and the request for God to inhabit us. I am a huge comic book junkie. I think about the X-men-mutants who look like normal people until you push them a little then BAM all of a sudden they reveal that they have special power. Guess what! So doesn’t the Christian! Now there are no lasers or claws, but their is something that no one can explain. A people group that devotes themselves to love and simplicity. A people group that has no enemies because they refuse to put anyone into that category. This strange group of people who speak to and feel the divine daily in prayer, and weekly in worship. Who strive in self control, and are open to loving even the hardest of people. At bare minimum step by step and day by day these people look forward to achieving this goal. At first glance there is no power. These are all things a rational good person does or at least try to do, right? Wrong! The laws of nature prescribe us to push and shove our way up the food chain, because we might not survive otherwise. We are fed the diet that material goods and this life are all we have, and all we should worry about. Day in, and day out humans push, pull, bite, spit, and fight to go ahead of each other and in the process throw the world into chaos. After the Government shutdown I know a lot of people who now see this to be true. Yet, wedged right in the middle of this chaotic order are the Christ followers. A freakish group who do not run forward like a wild pack of Zombies. They stare upward. They move where they hear His voice, this strange God of grace. They offer open arms to all the beaten and bruised in society. They kick back against the flurry of greed. Sometimes the ones who bear the most power are the ones who look like they may have non at all. What is your next step. To hear God’s voice? To let Him in? To listen to His instructions? Now is your moment to accept your freakish nature, to know that you, yes YOU! have an other wordily power, and purpose in this crazy life! A Paul says “Set your mind on it!” It’s there be open to it. The ancient God of life and grace has made you a mutant in your own world now go be powerful in a way that the world cannot understand. If the church commits to this life then we will change the world by His mighty power.

Strive on my Friends, Strive on!

Richard Hiltibran-Lead Pastor
Lewisburg United Methodist Church