Friday, April 3, 2015

"Hold Your Breath!"

Today is the most polar opposite day of the year for us as Christians. One the one hand there is the blessing. Jesus gave up his life for you, and I on the brutal, bloody, and unforgiving Cross for the sake of forgiveness of our sins, and the chance to be connected with God again in Spirit, and truth. This calls for a celebration right? Wrong! Not yet, Sunday is on its way you can toast the campaign then, but for the next three days we need to enter into a Holy State of breath holding. When Jesus gave up his life on the cross the apostles, and all of his followers had to retract themselves, and wait. There was no jumping ahead to Easter morning. All they had was darkness, despair, and hopelessness. Sounds like a barrel full of fun right? They were in a shocked moment of wondering if God would indeed resurrect their Messiah, teacher, and friend Jesus or would this be the last of his teachings, and legacy. All the while they were asking softly and genuinely  for God to perform a miracle, and bring Jesus back as he had foretold. 

When I look around at the Easter weekend I see egg hunts, festivals, clowns, and novelties. This is great to enjoy the joy of Easter with family, and so that churches can try to attract families to hear the resurrection story on Easter morning. But, where in the busy schedule of entertainment do we as the church carve out a serious time for asking God to forgive us. Being made aware that it was the sins, and brokenness all of us that put him there. In Celebrate Recovery™ a Christian based recovery group the 4th step is “Creating a Fearless Moral Inventory.” This is writing down all good, and bad moral qualities in a hopes to reconcile past mistakes, and pave the way to a bright, and healthy future. The 4th step is not just addicts in hopes of recovery, but for all Christians and is aptly named “Good Friday”. This is the day when sins are forgiven, but everyone must also make peace with the fact that no matter how perfect anyone has been it was added to the suffering of the Christ. 

What I am hoping for this weekend is a call to Holy breath holding like the apostles. Spend the great times laughing with your family. Enjoy all of the festivities that all the local churches have to offer. But, create some somber space in your life. During these next two days be in some sorrow, and be grounded in our failures. As a pastor, I have hurt people in my church with my quick to respond personality. As a husband, this was one of the hardest years in my marriage, and it has taken a lot of forgiveness, repentance, and improvement. As a son, I have failed to check in with my Mom like I should. The list goes on and on, and while its not easy to post these realities out there on the world wide web its the heart of “Good Friday.” If we are brave enough to mourn our failures over these next two days. Then we can be the first to run to that open tomb on Sunday and receive God’s full pardon as His son Jesus comes back to the world to prove that he is indeed the God of grace, love, and forgiveness. Be somber today, but know that Sunday is just around the corner.  

Today, I hold my breath with the apostles so I may celebrate with them in the fullest on Easter morning. Will you join me in this time of breath holding today? Amen.

Strive on my friends, Strive on,

Pastor Richard

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